Total Credit Hours required for the Associate of Science Louisiana Transfer in Biological Science: 60
1 Science concentration Elective: BLGY 206 and BLGY 206L ; BLGY 230 /BLGY 230L ; BLGY 231 BLGY 231L ; CHEM 102 and CHEM 102L ; CHEM 250 ; PHSC 111 ; PHYS 201 and PHYS 201L , PHYS 202 and PHYS 202L , PHYS 211 , PHYS 212
2 Fine Arts Elective: ART 201 , ART 202 , ART 206 ; MUSC 120 , MUSC 121 ; COMM 240 ; or THTR 101 , THTR 131
3 Literature Course - ENGL 201 , ENGL 202 , ENGL 250 , ENGL 251 , ENGL 252 , ENGL 255 , ENGL 256 , or ENGL 257
4 Behavioral/Social Sciences: ANTH 201 , ANTH 202 ; BADM 201 , BADM 202 ; CJUS 101 ; GPHY 101 , GPHY 102 , GPHY 105 ; POSC 201 , POSC 202 ; PSYC 201 , PSYC 205 , PSYC 206 , PSYC 210 , PSYC 220 , PSYC 290 ; or SLGY 201 , SLGY 202 , SLGY 203 , SLGY 204 , SLGY 207
5 History Elective: HIST 101 , HIST 102 , HIST 103 , HIST 104 , HIST 201 , HIST 202 , HIST 203
6 Behavioral/Social Science-Sophomore Level: ANTH 201 , ANTH 202 ; BADM 201 , BADM 202 ; POSC 201 , POSC 202 ; PSYC 201 , PSYC 205 , PSYC 206 , PSYC 210 , PSYC 220 , PSYC 290 ; or SLGY 201 , SLGY 202 , SLGY 203 , SLGY 204 , SLGY 207
7 Humanities elective: COMM 170 ; ENGL 201 , ENGL 202 , ENGL 250 , ENGL 251 , ENGL 252 , ENGL 255 , ENGL 256 , or ENGL 257 ; FREN 101 , FREN 102 , FREN 201 , HIST 101 , HIST 102 , HIST 103 , HIST 104 , HIST 201 , HIST 202 , HIST 203 , RLGN 201 , RLGN 202 , RLGN 203 ; SPAN 101 , SPAN 102 , SPAN 201 ; SPCH 115
Completion of the Associate of Science Louisiana Transfer (ASLT) degree guarantees that the student has met, in full, all lower division general education requirements at the receiving Louisiana public university. Graduates transferring with the transfer degree will have junior status. Courses or GPA requirements for specific majors, departments, or schools are not automatically satisfied by an ASLT degree.
The anticipated major or area of interest will impact the type and number of humanities classes that should be completed.