Student Financial Responsibility
When a student registers for any class at Bossier Parish Community College, the student is making a financial commitment to pay all tuition, fees, and other associated charges assessed as a result of the student’s enrollment and/or receipt of services. The student’s registration and acceptance of these terms constitutes a promissory note agreement in which Bossier Parish Community College is providing the student educational services, deferring some or all of the student’s payment obligation for those services, and the student promises to pay for all assessed tuition fees, and other associated costs by the published or assigned due date. Students are expected to meet their financial obligations in a timely manner and to understand that failure to do so will result in further action to collect the balance due.
It is the student’s responsibility to understand all college policies and procedures related to managing their registration and student account. If the student drops or withdraws from some or all of the classes for which he or she registers, the student is responsible for paying all or a portion of tuition and fees in accordance with the published tuition refund schedule. In addition, the student’s failure to attend class or receive a bill does not absolve the student of financial responsibility as described above.
Bossier Parish Community College complies with the requirements as part of the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, Section 3679 of Title 38, United States Code. BPCC will allow a student using Chapter 33 or Chapter 31 of the GI Bill to attend classes until VA provides payment to the institution. BPCC will not impose a penalty or require the beneficiary to borrow additional funds to cover tuition and fees due to late payments from the VA. This does not include balances owed once payment is received from the VA. The individual will provide proof of entitlement to the institution with a “statement of benefits” or “certificate of eligibility” from the Department of Veterans Affairs stating coverage for the period in which the student is enrolled.
Estimated Cost of Attendance
The annual estimated cost of attendance includes tuition/fees and allowances for books, supplies, room and board, transportation, and miscellaneous expenses.
This estimate is based on the Financial Aid Cost of Attendance budgets determined annually.
Full-time *Dependent Student (living with parents)
Tuition/fees (in-state) |
$ 4,283 |
Room/Board |
$ 4,031 |
Book/Supplies |
$ 1,300 |
Transportation |
$ 3,424 |
Misc. Expenses |
$ 2,500 |
Total |
$15,538 |
Full-time *Independent Student (not living with parents)
Tuition/fees (in-state) |
$ 4,283 |
Room/Board |
$ 11,337 |
Book/Supplies |
$ 1,300 |
Transportation |
$ 3,424 |
Misc. Expenses |
$ 2,500 |
Total |
$ 22,844 |
* Are you an INDEPENDENT STUDENT? An Independent student will be able to state at least one of the following to be true. Please indicate below by checking which statement applies to you. PROOF MAY BE REQUESTED!
- You were born before January 1, 1998.
- You were married, as of the day you filed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
- You have children for whom you will provide more than half of their support from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
- You have dependents (other than your children or spouse) who live with you and you provided more than half of their support and will continue to provide more than half of their support from July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022.
- When you were 13 years or older you were: an orphan (both parents deceased), in foster care, or a ward/dependent of the court
- You are a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces.
- You are currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training.
- You are an emancipated minor as determined by a court in your state of legal residence.
- You are in legal guardianship as determined by a court in your state of legal residence.
- You are an unaccompanied homeless youth as determined by either: your high school or school district homeless liaison, the director of an emergency shelter program funded by HUD, or the director of a runaway or homeless youth basic center transitional living program.
If you are unable to state one of the above criteria to be true, you are considered a dependent student.
Fees are assessed on all students who enroll at BPCC. The amount of fees, which is published each semester on the BPCC website, is determined in accordance with the number of semester hours (credit and audit) for which the student enrolls. The College reserves the right to change fees without prior notice.
Fall, Spring and Summer Tuition Schedules: Refer to the BPCC website for specific costs.
( )
Costs include the student activities fee, building use fee, athletic fee, technology fee, operational fee, academic excellence fee, and enterprise resource planning fee which are explained in the following section. Tuition and fees are always subject to change.
Note: Section 702 of the Veterans Access, Choice and Accountability Act of 2014 (“Choice Act”), requires VA to disapprove programs of education for payment of benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill and Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty at public institutions of higher learning if the schools charge qualifying Veterans and dependents tuition and fees in excess of the rate for resident students. Beginning Aug. 1, 2021, public schools will be required to charge all GI Bill recipients the in-state tuition rate for classes. This change will remove the current restriction that requires schools to charge in-state tuition only for GI Bill recipients within three years of their discharge date.
Mandatory Enrollment Fees and Student Fees
Student Fees (Effective Summer 2025)
Student Fees |
Amount |
Description |
Student Activities Fee |
$55.00 (once per semester) |
These fees pay for various student activities and athletic events sponsored by the College including, but not limited to, SGA/Student Life events, athletic events, drama productions, and the Savoir Faire literary magazine. |
Online Course Fee |
$40.00 (once per semester if any courses are taken online) |
Effective Fall 2009, in accordance with Act 307 of the 2009 Regular Legislative Session, and revised in June 2015, the LCTCS Board of Supervisors established a registration fee for all LCTCS colleges for online courses. |
Access Fee |
$75.00 per semester (not to exceed $150 per academic year)
Effective Spring 2024 semester, as authorized by LCTCS Policy #5.011, this fee will be assessed to all students, at a rate of $75 per semester, not to exceed $150 per academic year. The fee includes but is not limited to the administration, operation, construction, repair, maintenance, security, security improvements & initiatives, operation of traffic, parking & parking facilities, as well as other operational expenses. |
Excess Credit Hour Fee |
$150.96 (per credit hour in excess of 12 online hours or 15 lecture hours) |
Effective Fall 2016, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved an Excess credit hour fee assessed on all students registered with 16 or more campus-based credit hours. The fee is 150.96 per credit hour and each additional credit hour.
Student Fees are refundable up to the last day of refunds of 100%.
Mandatory Enrollment Fees:
Mandatory Enrollment Fees |
Amount |
Description |
Student Services Fee |
$7 per credit hour (up to $84, except online) |
Effective Fall 2011, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved a student services fee at all LCTCS colleges (Revised November 2015). |
Technology Fee |
$5 per credit hour (up to $60) |
Effective Fall 2010, this fee was approved by the State Legislature and ratified by the Student Government Associations in 1997, Legislative Act 1450. The proceeds are for the purpose of “implementing, replacing, improving, and expanding technologies to benefit student life and learning.” |
Academic Excellence Fee |
$7 per credit hour (up to $84) |
The purpose of this fee is to promote academic excellence by enhancing instructional programs. Approved by the state legislature in 2003, House bill 2708. |
Operating Fee |
$3 per credit hour (up to $36) |
Effective Fall 2004, state of Louisiana Legislators (House Bill 1062) and the LCTCS approved an operational fee to be assessed at all state colleges and universities to cover operation expense no longer covered by the State. |
Building Use Fee |
$4 per credit hour (up to $48) |
House Bill 671 was approved by the State Legislature in 2013. Effective fall 2013, the proceeds of this fee are used to construct, repair, maintain, operate or improve the facilities and physical infrastructure of the college. |
LCTCS Enterprise Resource Planning Fee |
$5 per credit hour (up to $60, except online) |
Effective Fall 2010, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved a fee to support the implementation and continued operation of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system (Revised November 2015).
Athletic Fee |
$6 per credit hour (up to $72) |
Effective Fall 2016, the Board of Supervisors for the Louisiana Community and Technical College System approved a fee at Bossier Parish Community College to support intercollegiate and intramural athletics and the engagement, retention, and graduation of BPCC students. |
BPCC Book Pass |
$25.50 per credit hour |
BPCC Book Pass is a digital textbook program that provides students with quick and easy access to course materials for a fee of $25.50 per credit hour. This program ensures that all course materials are available on or before the fist day of class. All BPCC students will be automatically enrolled in BPCC Book Pass beginning Fall 2024. Students have the option to opt out of the program on a semester-by-semester basis. |
Mandatory Enrollment Fees are refundable up to the last day for 100% refunds.
(Hardship Fee waiver applications mentioned above may be obtained in the Financial Aid Office. Waiver eligibility must be verified by Financial Aid.)
Course/Program Fees:
Course/program fees vary by class. Consult with your instructor, academic advisor, or the Business Office for inquiries related to course/program-specific fees.
Students assume full and final responsibility for purchase of all books from the College bookstore. ( )
Payment of Tuition and Fees
Any student registering for classes may not have an outstanding balance due BPCC from a prior semester.
Students may pay tuition and fees by e-check, credit or debit card (MasterCard/Visa/Discover/American Express) or international funds transfer via the Internet: ( ). Electronic check payments do not incur additional fees. The College accepts cash, personal and cashier’s checks, money orders, and credit/debit card payments at the Business Office in Building F, first floor. A credit card processing fee (set by the credit card processor) applies.
The College reserves the right to cancel the registration of any student who enrolls in a class and does not make satisfactory payment arrangements for the tuition and fees associated with the class. Students are responsible for monitoring their student account balance by signing into their LoLA account. Satisfactory payment arrangements may include enrolling in a College-authorized payment plan, paying the balance in full, or by completing all requirements to receive Financial Aid, such that the amount of aid the student will be receiving will cover the tuition and fees.
No Show
Students must begin attendance in their classes at the official start date of each Session. Students who do not officially withdraw or resign in accordance with the published start date of the Class Session may be considered as a “No Show.” Students who are considered a “No Show” will have 100% of the tuition and fees removed from their student account and for each course, the student will be reported as “No Show” in that class.
Return of VA Funds
The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-315) provides for the improvement and/or expansion of various GI Bill® programs. The new law requires schools and training providers to be financially responsible, instead of the student, for benefits paid directly to an educational institution. This applies to tuition and fee payments and Yellow Ribbon program payments under the Post-9/11 GI Bill (including under the Edith Nourse Rogers STEM Scholarship), and to advance payment of benefits under the various GI Bill programs.
Effective August 1, 2021, VA payment systems for the Post-9/11 GI Bill will establish debts against the school for all withdrawals. The College will be required to remit payment to the VA for the tuition and fees on behalf of the withdrawn course. The return of funds to the VA by the school may create a debt owed by the student to the school.
Balance Due Notification
Paper bills are not mailed. All tuition and fees are payable in U.S. dollars according to the established due dates. Students are responsible for accessing their LOLA account to view their account balance. The College holds students accountable for current due balances; therefore, students should check their LOLA account regularly.
Returned Checks
The charge for each returned check is $25. If the check is written payable to BPCC by a student or on his behalf and is returned to the College, that student will forfeit all check writing privileges with BPCC in the future. Payment by cash, cashier’s check, money order, or credit card will be required.
Putting a stop payment on a check will not constitute an official resignation from the College.
Deferred Payment Plan
A Deferred Payment Plan is available. The payment plan information may be accessed online by clicking on the following link. .
For further information, please contact the Business Office.
Policy Statement
Refunds are issued at a rate of 100% during the applicable refund period, which is different for each session. Please refer to your class schedule and confirm the session of your class before deciding to drop a class, so that you can make an informed financial decision. Classes that are dropped AFTER this period are not eligible for any refund whatsoever.
The BPCC Book Pass program allows students to receive the electronic and printed book materials for their classes each semester, all for one convenient fee added to your student account. Each semester, all students are automatically enrolled in BPCC Book Pass, but have the option to opt-out if they wish. Opting out means the student will not participate in BPCC Book Pass for the entire semester. Students must opt-out during the appropriate opt-out timeframe according to their EARLIEST start date of classes in the semester. The end of each opt-out period is listed below.
Tuition and applicable fees are refunded according to the following schedule:
Fall 2024
Session |
Start Date |
Last Day to Drop for 100% Refund |
Last Day to Opt-Out of BPCC Book Pass |
Session A |
08/15/2024 |
08/30/2024 |
08/30/2024 |
Session B |
08/15/2024 |
08/26/2024 |
Session C |
10/10/2024 |
10/20/2024 |
10/20/2024 |
Session D |
08/15/2024 |
08/22/2024 |
08/22/2024 |
Session E |
09/13/2024 |
09/20/2024 |
09/20/2024 |
Session F |
10/10/2024 |
10/17/2024 |
10/17/2024 |
Session G |
11/07/2024 |
11/14/2024 |
11/14/2024 |
Session J |
09/03/2024 |
09/15/2024 |
09/15/2024 |
Winter 2024
Session |
Start Date |
Last Day to Drop for 100% Refund |
Last Day to Opt-Out of BPCC Book Pass |
Winter |
12/17/2024 |
12/23/2024 |
12/23/2024 |
Spring 2025
Session |
Start Date |
Last Day to Drop for 100% Refund |
Last Day to Opt-Out of BPCC Book Pass |
Session A |
01/09/2025 |
01/26/2025 |
01/26/2025 |
Session B |
01/09/2025 |
01/21/2025 |
01/21/2025 |
Session C |
03/06/2025 |
03/23/2025 |
03/23/2025 |
Session D |
01/09/2025 |
01/16/2025 |
01/16/2025 |
Session E |
02/06/2025 |
02/13/2025 |
02/13/2025 |
Session F |
03/06/2025 |
03/23/2025 |
03/23/2025 |
Session G |
04/10/2025 |
04/17/2025 |
04/17/2025 |
Session J |
01/27/2025 |
02/07/2025 |
02/07/2025 |
Summer 2025
Session |
Start Date |
Last Day to Drop for 100% Refund |
Last Day to Opt-Out of BPCC Book Pass |
Maymester |
05/13/2025 |
05/18/2025 |
05/18/2025 |
Session A |
05/29/2025 |
06/08/2025 |
06/08/2025 |
Session B |
05/29/2025 |
06/05/2025 |
06/05/2025 |
Session C |
06/25/2025 |
07/02/2025 |
07/02/2025 |
Bankmobile Disbursements
Bossier Parish Community College issues refunds through BankMobile Disbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. Visit this link for more information:
General Financial Information
- 100% refund of tuition and fees will be made by BPCC when a class does not make or when College error is involved in scheduling.
- No refunds are made in cash, even if a student paid in cash.
- No refunds are made during registration. Please note that refunds for students who have made partial payments or paid in full during the enrollment period may take up to six weeks or longer depending upon the payment date for processing.
- If a student resigns before financial aid can be processed, the student is responsible for his/her account balance even if the student received a financial aid deferment. A financial aid deferment is null and void if a student resigns.
- Refunds for students receiving financial aid may be applied first to the Title IV federal aid program(s) overpayment(s), then to any institutional programs or balance owed the College before being paid to the students.
- Students who do not pay their outstanding debts to BPCC by the end of the semester in which the debts were incurred may have their accounts assigned to the Attorney General’s Office for collection. Students will be liable for all charges assessed by the Attorney General’s Office.