Total Credit Hours: 60
a For transfer to a four-year institution, students are strongly advised to take MATH 102 instead of MATH 101 . Students must seek the assistance of their advisor to determine the appropriate mathematics course.
b May not be sole humanities course.
Students must meet prerequisites before taking any given course. Students must earn a minimum grade of C in each course and have a minimum 2.0 GPA to earn a credential.
All BPCC students are expected to be familiar with College policies, requirements, procedures and regulations. Students must assume final responsibility for being acquainted with College policies. In no case will a regulation be waived or an exception be granted because a student pleads ignorance of the regulation.
Students pursuing associate degrees, academic certificates or technical competency areas at BPCC must declare their intent to do so. Curricular requirements become effective at the date of the declaration of the academic major and do not date from the point of original enrollment in the College. If the student resigns or does not enroll for one semester, the student would have to meet the requirements of a new curriculum.
The student is responsible with all the requirements of the degree program and should consult with his/her academic advisor when necessary. Each student assumes the responsibility for scheduling courses which are applicable to degrees and for taking courses in proper sequence to ensure the orderly progression of work.