Total Credit Hours: 60
Students must meet prerequisites before taking any given course.
Students must make a “C” or higher in all courses which satisfy graduation requirements in order to receive the Associate of Applied Science in Communication Media from BPCC.
1For transfer to a four-year institution, students are strongly advised to take MATH 102 instead of MATH 101 . Students must seek the assistance of their advisor to determine the appropriate mathematics course.
*The student must take a minimum of 9 hours from the following elective courses for the Graphic Design/Computer Animation concentration:
Graphic Design Track: COMM 160 , COMM 236 , COMM 246 , or any other Communication course.
Animation Track: COMM 202 , COMM 204 , COMM 220 , COMM 223 , COMM 251 , or any other Communication course.
**Behavioral/Social Sciences elective must be chosen from ANTH 201 , ANTH 202 ; BADM 201 , BADM 202 ; CJUS 101 ; GPHY 101 , GPHY 102 ; GPHY 105 ; POSC 201 , POSC 202 ; PSYC 201 , PSYC 205 , PSYC 206 , PSYC 210 , PSYC 220 , PSYC 225 , PSYC 290 ; SLGY 201 , SLGY 202 , SLGY 203 , SLGY 204 , SLGY 207 , SLGY 290 .
***Science elective must be chosen from BLGY 105 , BLGY 106 , BLGY 107 ; PHSC 105 , PHSC 106 , PHSC 107 , PHSC 110 , PHSC 111 ; SCI 101 , SCI 102 .